Case scenario 

March 15
Hi, I am karnati Tejaswi  3rd BDS student.
This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio
                          CASE HISTORY
Patient details:
A 35 year old male resident of choutuppal presented with
Chief complaints:
Patient came to the hospital with chief complaints of pain in the abdominal region from past 5 days which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive and relieved with medication and subsided now.
Fever from past 3 days which is intermittent type not associated with chills and rigor.
Nausea and vomitings - 10 episodes per day which is non bilious consistency was watery in nature with food particles and no blood stains are seen .
History of present illness : 
Shortness of breath at rest which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive.
Edema in both legs .
Chest pain and burning micturition.
History of past illness: 
No similar complaints in the past 
Known case of hypertension from past 3 years 
N/k/c/o: dm/tb/asthama/ CAD/thyroid disorders/epilepsy.
Family history : no family history 
Personal history:
Diet : mixed 
Appetite : normal 
Sleep : normal 
Bowel and bladder : burning micturition 
Alcoholic patient since 7 years 
Consumption of tobacco since 6 years 
General examination: 
Conscious and cooperative 
Pallor : absent 
Icterus : absent 
Cyanosis: absent 
Edema: present in both legs 
Lymphadenopathy: absent
Vitals : 140/100 bpm
Systemic examination:
Shape of abdomen :obese
No scars are seen 
Flanks are present 
No swellings around nect or abdomen are seen
Liver : not palpable
Spleen : not palpable
There is raise in temperature 
Tenderness : present ( pain in epigastric region)
No free fluid present 
Bowel sounds : heard 

Provision diagnosis: 
Acute pancreatitis.


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