Case scenario 

March 1
Hi, I am karnati Tejaswi  3rd BDS student.
This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio
                          CASE HISTORY
Patient details:
A 20 year old female studying in college resident of Hyderabad presented with
Chief complaints:
She came to hospital as she missed her periods for 2 months .
History of present illness : 
She has underwent ultrasound scanning of abdomen then got to know about grade 1 , grade 2 of kidney . Then she consulted to nephrologist. Nephrologist told to do few tests : CBP, Spot CUE , 24hrs CUE , RFT with electrolytes. Spot urine protein creatinine ration. 
Reports : blood creatinine - 2.6
               Albumin levels - +++ 
               24 hrs urinary proteins : 2788
Firstly her bp was normal but later onwards it gradually increased 
History of past illness: 
Asthma : by birth
Fits : around 6 months of age
Not known a case of 
Thyroid disorders,
Diabetes .
Family history : no family history 
Personal history:
Diet : mixed 
Appetite : normal 
Sleep : normal 
Bowel and bladder : normal 
General examination: 
Conscious and cooperative 
Pallor : absent 
Icterus : absent 
Cyanosis: absent 
Edema: absent
Lymphadenopathy: absent

Vitals : 
Pulse : 70 
Blood pressure: 135/ 100 mm/hg 
Temperature: normal 
Nephrotic syndrome (IgA nephropathy)


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