March 3 
Case scenario 

March 3 
Hi, I am Karnati Tejaswini, 3rd BDS student.
This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio
                          CASE HISTORY
Patient details:
A 70 year old female, occupation- house wife , resident of bongiri presented with 
Chief complaints:
Slurrying of speech since 1 week 
Body pains 5 days ago

History of present illness:
Slurring of speech 
Body pains 
No fever , vomitings ,cough ,cold.

History of past illness :
Known case of diabetes since 5-6 years
Known case of hypertension since 4 years
No history of thyroid disorders/tb/asthma.
Patient is conscious 
3 years patient admitted got admitted in the hospital as she got fainted then after examining she lost her vision and formation of blood clot in brain due to increased blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
Hysterectomy 40 years ago.

Family history:
No significant family history 

Personal history: 
Appetite: normal
Bowel and bladder : normal
Sleep : normal
Diet: mixed 

General examination: 
Pallor : absent 
Cyanosis: absent 
Lymphadenopathy: absent
Clubbing: absent 
Edema : absent 
Icterus : no
Malnutrition: no

Temperature: 98.4degree Fahrenheit 
B.p :110/70 mm /hg
Respiration:22 cycles per min

Provisional diagnosis:
Acute cerebrovascular accident and ischaemic stroke

How does this disease trigger ?
Does diabetes and hypertension play any role for occurrence of this disease?


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